We offer natural certified diamonds for adequate prices.

If you are not keen on reading much, we will provide a simple example:

Natural diamond of 0.14 carat, colour H, clarity Si1

Stock exchange price - 80 EUR
Price in a store - 361 EUR (with a discount, initial price EUR 500)
Store surcharge - 351 %
Price at GEM ELEMENTS - 96 EUR
Surcharge of GEM ELEMENTS - 20 %
If you have decided to spend some time and to look into the matter of how that is possible - we are pleased to disclose you the peculiarities of the trade with diamonds. Rather often due to the lack of information people buy items named “diamonds” without getting into details what they have actually purchased.
The feeling that you are wearing the most expensive precious stone undoubtedly is very pleasant, but let us try buying a real high quality diamond and not overpaying 300 - 500%.

So, thoughts and actions of an ordinary customer:

I am going to the store - they have discounts today.
The store sells only good quality diamonds.
The shop assistants are competent and will explain me everything.
The accompanying documents contain truthful information on the diamond.


In reality:

1. The standard surcharge for diamonds in ordinary jewellery stores is 300 - 500% depending on the size and quality.

Detailed calculation with a specific example

2. The shop assistants at stores do not have enough knowledge to verify the quality of diamonds and usually they refer to the text written on the label or price tag. They will not tell you about the quality of the cutting, polishing, symmetry, fluorescence, proportions, size of the pin, etc.

3. Grading as it deems fit deliberately falsifying the data. 

In the below image we provide an example of two diamonds, graded and evaluated according different standards at different laboratories:

We would like to remind you: the most valuable are the transparent diamonds, without specific yellowish tint. 

In this particular case both diamonds have been marked with the grade "G" for its colour.

As you have already noticed they are really different.
Similar differences are found for other characteristics when performing grading at different laboratories.
The total difference in their value due to incorrect grading of the characteristics may reach 50-200%.

4. The stores sell unmarketable diamonds and to resell them in future is very complicated.

The total surcharge for diamonds and items with them, purchasing them in stores rather often reaches 500% from their real market value.

Buy diamonds professionally!

Our recommendations:

To assess the characteristics of a diamond it is necessary to require grading according to the GIA system, ideally - GIA certificate.

For diamonds bigger than 0.4 carats, ask for an extended certificate where all the properties (Colour, Clarity, Cut, Polishing, Symmetry, Fluorescence, Proportion of the facet angles of the diamond) are indicated. 

Recommended range for the colour:

D, E, F, G, H ( I – on rare occasions )

Recommended range for the clarity:

IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2 (SI1 – on rare occasions ).

Recommended quality for cut, polishing and symmetry:

Excellent, Very Good ( Good – on rare occasions )

Adequate surcharge on diamond cannot exceed 30% of its market value!

For a detailed examination of the diamonds we offer a FREE OF CHARGE brief or complete master class on grading and evaluation of diamonds.

Main subjects of the master class:

  • 1. Origin of diamonds.
  • 2. Diamond mining and their cutting.
  • 3. System of grading diamonds 4C.
  • 4. Additional characteristics, beyond the system 4C.
  • 5. Methods of certification and difference in the grading between non-commercial and commercial organisations.
  • 6. Division of diamonds into investment diamonds, diamonds of jewellery quality and unmarketable diamonds.
  • 7. Practical training.

You can buy a diamond separately or order the production of any jewellery item with diamonds and other precious stones.

We will assist you in choosing the necessary stones depending on your budget and desired solution for the ready item.

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